The articles pool of the site will probably be discontinued. There are too mamy people devoted to online discussion groups where you have no way of knowing whether you're talking to a seasoned expert or a 9 year old. If you would like to see this section grow, let us know.
The Contented Angler
"More than a fly Shop"
It's easy, start a fly shop and collect peoples money. Well the problem is that there is no reward. You didn't accomplish anything. You wasted your precious time not doing anything positive. Donating some of the profits to Childrens Hospitals is one positive action. Free fly tying lessons from someone who has been doing it for 50 years is another. Free fly casting lessons like you won't get anywhere else. The Fly tying program is called: "Things you can't learn on Youtube."
We believe that catching fish is the least important part of fly fishing. We think you should slow down and notice your surroundings. Appreciate the gift of nature. You are closer to God when surrounded by nature. Only nature can make a trout stream.
Trout fishing today is catching fish as fast as you can with no fly line and no casting. This has nothing to do with fly fishing. if it weren't for the casting I would give up fly fishing. The way Spring Creek in Pa. is trampled everyday and its trout tortured, it won't be long before it is no longer a trout stream. Believe me I have seen it happen before! People we know are already avoiding it.
We not only avoid Pa. streams, we have moved to the ocean. Saltwater fishing is the most rewarding and challenging fishing you can do. Imagine being able to let an 8 or 10wt. off the leash and see what it can do, Imagine no one around you. of course you will have other boats when the false Albecore are in. Hook one of these and you will think the steelhead is a chub.
It is also important that our customers (friends) let us know how they are doing We are glad to see them occasionally drop us a line. We also need to know it you are satisfied with your purchase.
New people who want to learn are very common in our place. Please don't make me call it a fly shop. Many proprietors know they can sell people anything and get away with it. We have a different angle. We know that it won't be long before you know what you are doing and you will look back and know that we were honest with you.
We have learned from the inside all of the corruption involved in order to keep prices high. A disgrace to fly fishing. It also saddens us to see many people fall into the trap. The secret agreement between rep and shop is now well known.
We don't automatically assume that we know more than you when you come in here. We know this is something you will have to get used to. We will offer what we call "suggestions" if you need help.
Every year we lose a few "contented anglers" which is why we need to know how you are doing!