Musky Fishing
Welcome to the big leagues. These guys were tired of catching trout and bass and it was only a matter of time before they found their true calling . It's amazing how easy they make it look!
It looks like the people that designed the first Musky flies did not think about castability. Of course, these flies were copied and the tradition continues. The solution was to design rods, leaders, and lines that would easily cast these flies. Rod makers agreed and now you have a chance of reaching out to the hiding places.
We tested the TFO Big Fly rod designed by Blane Chocklett with various lines including the Airflo Depth Finder and the Scientific Angler Sonar Musky 450 grain line. Various Switch rods with skagit lines will also do the job
The best example I've seen regarding castability in a large profile fly is Ken Abrames Flat wing flies. I've actually casted two of these flies on one line! It is the perfect combination of castability, color and action.
Our musky knowledge is limited, but we have a large group that does it exclusively.
When you cast these lines or any sinking line it's: one backcast, shoot line on the backcast, shoot line of the forward cast and that should do it. One backcast and one forward cast.

Here is a link to the Echo Musky rod

SA Sonar Musky line

Scientific Angler 30 - 50# bite tippet. Add one foot of this to your musky leader.

Scientific Angler Figure 8 and Essox leadrs

Musky won't take you on a long run so an over-priced reel isn't necessary . They will do a lot of rolling!
We have swivels and tippet rings